Teshuvah is Hebrew for repentance. It comes from the Hebrew word ‘shuv’ which is translated “return,” but with a more specific meaning. The Hebrews ‘shuv’ was a general word for return. one could go to the marketplace and ‘shuv’ back home, but Teshuvah was only used to mean repentance. Teshuvah can refer to the concept of repentance or the season of repentance on the Jewish calendar ranging from Elul 1 to Yom Kippor (Day of Atonement). It was during this season that God’s people were to repent and sanctify themselves in preparation for the Holy Days in anticipation of encountering the presence of God among them and total sanctification from all sin. This season is directly relevant to the purpose of New Covenant Church of the Apostles as it is our mission to prepare the bride for the Final Great Awakening to sanctify herself and set herself apart for total cleansing by the blood of Jesus and readiness for marriage to Jesus Christ as her beloved husband.