Christopher Holman

Ordination Status: ACTIVE
Ordination Declaration
Disciplinary History
Additional Notes


Ordination Declaration

This letter is to certify that Christopher L Holman is hereby ordained a minister of the gospel, effective 2020-07-12. This ordination recognizes the call of God upon the duly ordained fellow to administrate all of the duties of a shepherd over the House of God, including evangelism, pastoring, teaching, and qualification to engage in leading on a board of elders in  the local Church. This ordination also conveys all of the secular privileges typically afforded to clergy by government bodies, including officiating marriages, funerals, and visiting those in prison.

Absent disciplinary action, this credential is perpetual and shall be recognized by all churches in the Churches of the Apostles, including New Covenant Church of the Apostles. We recommend that other religious traditions and government entities recognize the ordained as a member of the Clergy and afford them full rights.

Both New Covenant Church of the Apostles and the Churches of the Apostles Network reserve the right to engage in disciplinary action according to the relevant bylaws and statements of faith, including and up to termination of credentials.

Name:Christopher L Holman ID: CHolman20200712034604000000


Coming Soon

Disciplinary History

No history of disciplinary action.

Additional Notes

No notes at this time

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