Today Pastor Dallas Carter continues in Romans. In the concluding section on Romans 12 we discover that God's Grace has given each of us a unique set of spiritual gifts…
Today Pastor Dallas Carter discusses the process of presenting yourself as a living sacrifice and renewing your mind
In this message Pastor Dallas Carter instructs that predestination is not primarily about God handpicking who will be saved and who will be damned. Rather Predestination is presented as our…
Romans 8 presents instruction of how the Holy Spirit leads us in manifesting the righteousness Christ established at the Cross
Today Pastor Dallas Carter Prresents instruction concern ing what Roman 7 has to say about defeating current fleshly entanglements with sin and promoting godly entanglement with Christ
Pastor Dallas Carter describes the mechanics of how we are made righteous. We are united with Christ in His death and resurrection, killing the old man and raising us in…
Continuing in the series in Romans, Pastor Dallas Carter instructs us that we can have the assurance that, once having been justified by faith, that God is faithful to continue…
ANSWERING THE TRUMPET's CALL Numbers 10:1-10 Matthew 24:29-31 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Joel 2:1--17 Acts 2:14-20 Hosea 6:3 Hosea 10:12 Zechariah 9:14-10:1 On the eve of the Feast…
Pastor Dallas Carter proclaims how Jesus used confession to battle temptation and how this can help you walk in holiness and overcome sin.
Today Pastor Dallas Carter hives practical instruction on repentance
A Dramatic Reading Of Jonathan Edwards by Pastor Chris Holman
A Dramatic Reading Of Jonathan Edwards by Pastor Chris Holman
Pastor Chris Holman presents instruction on avoiding the evil and embracing love like a Child of God
The Hope we have in these tough times is that the Just Shall Live By Faith
Today Pastor Chris Holman presents a message of hope in the midst of trying times, admonishing us to continue to trust in the lord in the midst of the fire
America and the world is in the Throes of a Three phase apostasy. Romans 1:18-32 outlines the process of how individuals and nations fall away from God grace and towards…
In this pastoral plea for Repentance, Pastor Chris Holman give a plea for the Church in America to Repent
Wonder why your prayers are not answered? Wonder what kind of prayers yield revival? In this message Pastor Dallas Carter reveals the template for prayers that bring revival!!!
New Covenant Church of the Apostles affirms that God created each individual in His image, which confers dignity and liberties including bodily autonomy sufficient to grant him/her the right to…
In this sermon Pastor Dallas Carter reveals that great revivals do not just happen, but are preceded by fervent prayer and seeking God. Preparing for Pentecostal Power lays out both…
Today Pastor Chris Holman walks throiugh how to abide in Christ according to John 15:1-17
God, like a mother eagle or mother hen, takes us under His wings and nurtures us.
Jesus Christ was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead