Pastor Chris Holman presents the message about the promise and Coming of the Holy Spirit. Watch to find out about how prayer can trigger the filling of the Holy Spirit.
Pastors Dallas Carter discus Jezebel, particularly how she became a template for demonic spirits and worldly strongholds. Watch to find out how you can identify the influence of a Jezebel…
Pastor Chris Holman presents the message about the responsibilities and blessings of spiritual gifts. Watch to find out the greatest gift of all.
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the ancient operations of Mystery Babylon up to the beginning of the Medieval Period. Watch to find out who the key players in…
Pastor Chris Holman presents a message on the blessed hop that turns out grief to glory. Watch to see how this was revealed through both the life of Job and…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter concerning his book Mystery Babylon Rising. This week we are discussing Chapter 34: The Origins of Mystery Babylon at the Tower of Babel. …
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the Pastor's burden, which is the emotional burden that faithful ministers feel when they either perceive their ministry as ineffective or perceive the…
Pastor Chris Holman presents the message of the Cross, showing how Christ took Barrabbas place. Watch to find how Christ took OUR place on the Cross.
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter concerning his book Mystery Babylon Rising. This week we are discussing Chapter 3: The Origins of Mystery Babylon at the Tower of Babel.…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a followup discussion to "REPENT or Perish." Watch to find out why God puts signs and the heavens and their significance in…
Pastor Chris Holman presents a message on second chaces, repentance, and signs of judgement. Watch to find out how Jonah rec eived grace and whether the upcoming eclipse is a…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter on Mystery Babylon Rising. In this installment chapter 2, "The Worldview of Mystery Babylon," is discussed. Watch to find out the key features…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter concerning his book Mystery Babylon Rising. Watch to get an introductory look at Mystery Babylon and how it explains the New World Order.…
Pastor Chris Holman presents a message on the Five Fold Ministry. Watch to find out what it is, how it works, how to be equipped for ministry, and how to…
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the Nicolaitans. The Lord Jesus singled out Nicolaitanism for hate, but what is it. Watch to find out who they were, its relevance…
Pastor Dallas Carter and Chris Holman have a discussion on Christian Nationalism. Watch to find out what ii is and how to avoid being deceived by Anti-Christian propaganda and psyops.
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the five solas of the Reformation. Watch for more information about these fundamentals and how they can properly ground YOU in Christ.
On the first Valentines Day, February 14, 269, Valentine practiced the highest form of love possible. Watch the discussion by Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter to find out more…
Pastor Chris Holman presents a message showing us both our brokenness and hope for breakthrough. Watch to find out more on how Christ gives breakthrough to those who trust in…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman conclude the series on Eschatology by a discussion of the eternal state.Watch to find out more about our eternal blessingsas the call to freely…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman discus the promise of a new heavens and a new earth as Christ declares all things new and wipes every tear from those who…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion of the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium, and the Fina Judgment.Watch to Find out How Christ ends evil…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion of various problems afflicting churches and hindering them to be all Christ has called them to be. Watch to…
Pastor Chris Holman presents a message from the story of Esther as she faces the most important decision of her life. Watch to find out how God can use a…