In this second night of the Great Return 2024, We have Warriors for Christ leading us in anointed worship. We have several messages from Pastors Chris Holman and Abraham Ventura…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman have a pastoral discussion on the personal and systemic consequences of the Fall. Watch to find out how Adam's sin impacts your world.
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message about how Jesus took an unlikely path to power. Watch to find out humility and trusting God can unleash great power and anointing.
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman discus the key features of modern Mystery Babylon. Watch to find out how Mystery Babylon is embedded in the modern world.
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message about how God bears us up with His wings in a manner that a mother eagle bears up her young with her wings. Watch…
Pastors Dallas Carter discus Jezebel, particularly how she became a template for demonic spirits and worldly strongholds. Watch to find out how you can identify the influence of a Jezebel…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message based on chapter 6 of Mystery Babylon Rising covering the follow of Hermeticism in the Medieval. Watch to find out how Islam become the…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on Jesus childhood that focuses on his time in the Temple at the age of twelve. Watch to find out how Jesus navigated life…
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the ancient operations of Mystery Babylon up to the beginning of the Medieval Period. Watch to find out who the key players in…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter concerning his book Mystery Babylon Rising. This week we are discussing Chapter 34: The Origins of Mystery Babylon at the Tower of Babel. …
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the Pastor's burden, which is the emotional burden that faithful ministers feel when they either perceive their ministry as ineffective or perceive the…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message that concerns the drunken march of individuals and nations towards Judgment. Watch to find out far America has gone down that road and how…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter concerning his book Mystery Babylon Rising. This week we are discussing Chapter 3: The Origins of Mystery Babylon at the Tower of Babel.…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on how the early church experienced resurrection power. Watch to find out how the resurrection served as both power and apologetic witness in the…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a followup discussion to "REPENT or Perish." Watch to find out why God puts signs and the heavens and their significance in…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter on Mystery Babylon Rising. In this installment chapter 2, "The Worldview of Mystery Babylon," is discussed. Watch to find out the key features…
Jesus Humbled Himself into a to take on flesh. Christ, as the King of Kings and Son of David, could have been born into a background of power, position, and…
Pastor Chris Holman interviews Pastor Dallas Carter concerning his book Mystery Babylon Rising. Watch to get an introductory look at Mystery Babylon and how it explains the New World Order.…
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the Nicolaitans. The Lord Jesus singled out Nicolaitanism for hate, but what is it. Watch to find out who they were, its relevance…
Pastor Dallas Carter and Chris Holman have a discussion on Christian Nationalism. Watch to find out what ii is and how to avoid being deceived by Anti-Christian propaganda and psyops.
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Watch to find out why the the incarnation in the form of the hypostatic union was necessary.
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the five solas of the Reformation. Watch for more information about these fundamentals and how they can properly ground YOU in Christ.
Prior to His Incarnation, Christ existed as the Theos Logos - The Word of God. Watch to find out more about how Christ - as the Living Word of God…
On the first Valentines Day, February 14, 269, Valentine practiced the highest form of love possible. Watch the discussion by Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter to find out more…