Answering the Trumpet’s Call

September 25, 2022
ANSWERING THE TRUMPET's CALL Numbers 10:1-10 Matthew 24:29-31 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Joel 2:1--17 Acts 2:14-20 Hosea 6:3 Hosea 10:12 Zechariah 9:14-10:1 On the eve of the Feast…
In this sermon Pastor Dallas Carter reveals that great revivals do not just happen, but are preceded by fervent prayer and seeking God. Preparing for Pentecostal Power lays out both…

On Eagle’s Wings

May 8, 2022
God, like a mother eagle or mother hen, takes us under His wings and nurtures us.

Jesus Coming

December 26, 2021
In this message, pastor Dallas Carter shows how the gospels present Jesus as the Prophesied Messiah, The Spirit-Filled Man, God in human flesh, and the preacher of repentance

Jesus Healing Stripes

December 12, 2021
This Sunday, December 12, 2021, Pastor Dallas Carter will present a message titled "Jesus' Healing Stripes." This message was birthed out of the trial of Ann's recent hospitalization. Her miracle…