But I Say Unto You, Sermon On The Mount Pt 2
February 28, 2021

But I Say Unto You, Sermon On The Mount Pt 2

Passage: Matthew 5
Service Type:

Thank you for watching But I Say Unto You, Sermon On The Mount Pt 2. Here we see the Beatitudes from part 1 showcased with the contrast between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. The righteousness of the pharisees was rooted in the letter of the law absent love and compassion, it was self glorifying, it was fake nice. Jesus did not come to make us nice but rather to make us new. The law spoke of the outward actions absent the content of the heart while Jesus here spoke directly to the heart of the individual. May each of you be touched by this Gospel message and grow ever closer in your walk with Christ. God bless you!

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