A Love That Endures

November 1, 2023
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the topics of family, marriage, and sexual immorality.

God’s Global Reset

October 15, 2023
Pastor Dallas presents a message on the aftermath of the Great Flood. Come and learn how the Flood was God's global reset, how God reset the natural and social order…

The Heavenly Worship Service

October 11, 2023
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the narrative of Revelation being about the Heavenly worship service and our role in it as kings and…

The Practice of Prayer

September 17, 2023
Pastor Dallas Carter givces a follow-up message to the Great Return Revival on the Practice of Prayer. In this message there instruction the purpose of prayer, the process of prayer,…

Live your Faith

September 10, 2023
Pastor Chris gives practical instruction on how to live our faith and not be overcome by the darkness around us.

The Pandemic of Sin

August 20, 2023
Sin has infected the world, making spiritual zombies of people, and thoroughly corrupting human nature. All that is wrong in the world can be traced to the first sin. Pastor…