Pastor Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discus the rise of the beast system - the government of the Antichrist. Watych to find out more about the Antichrist, the False Prophet,…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on how God's people are elected into the family of God through the power of God. Watch to find out how God elects those…
Pastors Chris Holman and Dallas Carter discuss the conflict between the woman and the dragon. Watch to find who this woman is, and how this narrative gives us a big…
Pastor Chris Holman presents the message of the Cross and a crisis of decision. Watch to find out what this crisis is and how YOU can respond.
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman presents a discussion on Revelation 10-11, which is a countdown to the Seventh Trumpet. Watch to find out what special thing happens at the…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on Living By Faith. Watch this video to be instructed how to have faith as a foundation anchored in the word of God -…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman discuss the trumpet judgments. Watch to find out more about these cosmic events that will happen near the end theage immediately preceding the Day…
Pastor Christ presents a message from Esther that is relavant to the opposite issues of Feminism and Toxic Masculinity. We shall see how the Providence of God resulted in unlikely…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on how Abraham became the father of faith. Watch this message to learn how all of the fundamentals of the goepel were preached to…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman discus the significance of thr imagery of the Four Horseman and the Four Carpenters as representative of God using various means to govern the…
Brother Joshua Darnley presents a message omn how to obtain deliverance from sin and satanic strongholds through Jesus Christ.
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the topics of family, marriage, and sexual immorality.
Pastors Dallas Carter presents the story of Abraham's life as a crucible for forging and refining Faith
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the opening of the Seven Seals, including the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.
In this Sunday service, Pastor Chris Holman presents and explains the account and application of God's restoration of Job from tribulation to triumph.
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the propheseid destruction of Damascus and its role in the endtimes drama.
Pastor Dallas presents a message on the aftermath of the Great Flood. Come and learn how the Flood was God's global reset, how God reset the natural and social order…
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the narrative of Revelation being about the Heavenly worship service and our role in it as kings and…
In this Sunday service, Pastor Chris Holman continues his explanation of proverbs on leadership
Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman engage in a pastoral discussion about the importance of family and the role of the family in God's Plan.
Testimonies from the Great Return, featuring sister Ann testimony of being supernaturally delivered from death.
In this Wednesday Word, Pastors Dallas Carter and Chris Holman discuss Spiritual warfare and taking down strongholds in a pastoral discussion.
In this Sunday service, Pastor Chris Holman presents and explains proverbs on leadership
In this Wednesday Word message, Pastor Dallas Carter shows how these letters to the Seven Churches form both a diagnostic for identifying Church problems and a primer for solving these…
Pastor Dallas Carter givces a follow-up message to the Great Return Revival on the Practice of Prayer. In this message there instruction the purpose of prayer, the process of prayer,…