Repentance in the abstract or universal can be difficult. There is precedent in Scripture for using 40 day periods to bring about lasting change in both one's thought life and…
This message is on the three=fold description of spiritual gifts God gave to the Church to equip the saints and give glory to God
Thank you for watching But I Say Unto You, Sermon On The Mount Pt 2. Here we see the Beatitudes from part 1 showcased with the contrast between the letter…
Thank you for watching The Beatitudes, Sermon On The Mount Part 1 . Watch to the end to see a special video, Poor in Spirit Ft Nikki Mathis played with…
The Church in America has a discernment problem. We must use discernment and get back to the Word of God
Thank you for watching #TheGreatReset​ God Will Provide In These Dark Times , God bless!!
A message of hope. we have assurance in dark times that the Final Great Awakening will occur in dark times and that God uses our sufferings to draw us closer…
Thank you for watching Be Prepared, Christ Will Return God Bless!
What does it mean to live by Faith ? Why don't we walk by Faith ? What must we do to walk by Faith? In Living By Faith, Pastor Dallas…
Thank you for watching Pick up Your Cross! May you each walk closer with God each day, God Bless You!
Living The Elijah Principle involves God stacking the deck against His people so that He may show His power. Based on the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal…
Thank you for watching " Where Is The Love? " Pray for one another, pray for the Church, pray for this Nation, and pray for this fallen world. God Bless…
Have you ever wondered why some Christians are successful at the Christian life and others flounder, if we are saved by Grace through Christ alone.This sermon is an exposition of…
Thank you for watching " We Are Servants Of God " Sermon by Pastor Chris Holman of New Covenant Church Of The Apostles. God Bless!
Teshuvah is a season of Repentance preceding the Fall Feasts, which serves as a Template on how we can repent and Seek God in Sacred Assembly until He gives us…