Continuing this series where Peter fleshes out what it means to build your life Upon the Rock. In this sermon Pastor Dallas Carter constructs us that we have been redeemed…
Pastor Dallas Carter begins his series in 1 Peter
In this message Pastor Dallas Carter examines the current conflict in Ukraine through the lens of the epic battle between Mystery Babylon and the Ten horns who bring into power…
SUNDAY SERVICE February 6, 2022 | Upon this Rock, Part Dieux In this followup to the first part that was presented July 12, 2020, Pastor Dallas Carter exegetes the three…
Pastor Chris continuing his series in James
In this message, pastor Dallas Carter shows how the gospels present Jesus as the Prophesied Messiah, The Spirit-Filled Man, God in human flesh, and the preacher of repentance
This Sunday, December 12, 2021, Pastor Dallas Carter will present a message titled "Jesus' Healing Stripes." This message was birthed out of the trial of Ann's recent hospitalization. Her miracle…
In this video, Pastor Dallas Carter will present warnings from Jude concerning apostasy and infiltration by fifth columns against the church. This message includes an expose of a conspiracy of…
In this message, Pastor Dallas Carter instructs us concerning intercessory prayer and discernment
In this message, we are instructed how to live the resurrection life of Christ, putting off the old man and putting on the new man.
This morning Pastor Chris Holman will present the second message of his series "History Of The Bible And Proper Hermeneutics Pt. 2
Pursue gody affections and avoid legalistic and false affections
This morning Pastor Chris Holman will be given instruction concerning the Fear of the Lord, followed by a dramatic reading of "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, "…
Today Pastor Dallas Carter will explain the burden of Paul the Apostle to insure god's people are properly rooted and grounded in Christ, so that they would NOT be misled…
This week Pastor Chris will begins the first installment in a series on the History of the Bible. This week he will be giving a presentation on the structure of…
Thank you for watching Idolatry In The Church Today God Bless!
Today we have a message from Pastor Dallas Carter concerning Christ as the Cornerstone. He truly is our Rock concerning the well-grounded faith, spiritual battle, the life of the Church…
In the message "The Fathers," Pastor Dallas gives us Biblical insight to the legacy and power of Fathers. In this sermons, we will be instructed on hoe Fathers can be…
In this message, Pastor Michael Faith instructs us of the need to use discernment so that we may be centered on Christ
In this second installment in our current series on Israel, Pastor Dallas Carter will present what the bible says about the future restoration of Israel that will begin to be…
Thank you for watching Put God First And Rely On Him, Sermon On The Mount Part 4 God Bless!! Psalm 37:1-8 “1. Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be…
Presenting a message by Pastor Dallas Carter titled "The Axe of the Apostles. " In this message Pastor Dallas discussed Acts 1 in the Hebrew context in which the disciples…
Thank you for watching The Heart Of The Matter, Sermon on the Mount part 3 God Bless!