Abraham – Father of Faith

November 12, 2023
Pastor Dallas Carter presents a message on how Abraham became the father of faith. Watch this message to learn how all of the fundamentals of the goepel were preached to…

God’s Global Reset

October 15, 2023
Pastor Dallas presents a message on the aftermath of the Great Flood. Come and learn how the Flood was God's global reset, how God reset the natural and social order…

The Practice of Prayer

September 17, 2023
Pastor Dallas Carter givces a follow-up message to the Great Return Revival on the Practice of Prayer. In this message there instruction the purpose of prayer, the process of prayer,…

Live your Faith

September 10, 2023
Pastor Chris gives practical instruction on how to live our faith and not be overcome by the darkness around us.

The Pandemic of Sin

August 20, 2023
Sin has infected the world, making spiritual zombies of people, and thoroughly corrupting human nature. All that is wrong in the world can be traced to the first sin. Pastor…

Crowned With Honor

August 13, 2023
Pastor Chris instructs concerning the Psalmist's declaration that God has crowned man with honor. In this message, we will see that God has given worth to individuals - and sanctity…

War of the Watchers

August 6, 2023
Pastor Dallas Carter gives instruction on the existence of good and evi lwatchers, also called monitoring spirits. In this message instruction is given on how to Identify and defeat evil…
Pastor Chris will present the historic Jesus of the gospels - a Jesus who spoke Creation into existence and then entered into space-time history to save, deliver, and heal.
Pastor Dallas Carter will be giving a lesson in Genesis 1, starting a series in Genesis. We will discover how God spoke the universe into existence, that information rather than…
Pastor Dallas Carter presents instruction - warnings against developing and fostering ungodly soul ties. In this message we will see how such ties corrupted and destroyed Israel, how they pose…

Transformed to Stand

June 18, 2023
Pastor Chris gives us instruction from Romans 12 on how God transforms our lives so that we can stand against evil and for righteousness.
Pastor Dallas Carter takes a closer look at prophetic and apostolic ministry and how it works in the five-fold ministry to equip everybody to fulfill their divine calling in the…

Leaders Who Serve

June 4, 2023
Pastor Chris gives instruction on the necessity of leaders conducting leadership in a humble spirit, leading in service to thpse they lead and not lording it over their followers like…

Abide In Christ

May 21, 2023
Today Pastor Chris teaches us the key to abiding in Christ. We are to abide in love and follow the law of love manifested in the Two Great commands in…

Unquenchable Hope

May 7, 2023
Pastor Chris Holman talks today about Biblical Hope, not mere optimism but built upon the rock of Christ Jesus and substantiated by our faith in Him.